How to use a mini app to restore the Mac launchpad to factory order

How to use a mini app to restore the Mac launchpad to factory order

Do you feel that your Mac launchpad is too messy? Do you want to restore it to the factory order? Do you not know how to do that? In this video, I will teach you how to use a mini app to achieve this function. You only need to copy a command, and then use Automator to make it into an application, and you can click it anytime to refresh your launchpad. This mini app is not only easy to use, but also can improve your work efficiency. Come and check it out!

如果覺得 Launchbar 底下 App 排序很亂又懶得整理,你可以這樣做



defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock

等待 Launchbar 重整,完成後就會恢復原廠排序


WordPress Site Essential! Breadcrumbs Navigation Boosts Your SEO to the Max!

WordPress Site Essential! Breadcrumbs Navigation Boosts Your SEO to the Max!

你知道什麼是麵包屑導航嗎?它不只是讓你的訪客不迷路,還能提升你的 SEO 效果。在這個影片中,我會教你如何使用 Elementor 和 Yoast SEO 插件在你的 WordPress 網站上建立漂亮又實用的麵包屑導航。你會學到什麼是麵包屑導航的好處、如何設定文章頁面和彙整頁面的全域版模、如何在版模中加入麵包屑元件、以及如何自訂麵包屑的外觀和文字。快來看看吧,讓你的網站更有層次和結構!

2023 WWD Course

My Fiverr

WordPress Site Essential! Breadcrumbs Navigation Boosts Your SEO to the Max!

Do you know what breadcrumbs navigation is? It’s not only a way to help your visitors find their way, but also a way to boost your SEO performance. In this video, I will show you how to use Elementor and Yoast SEO plugins to create beautiful and functional breadcrumbs navigation on your WordPress site. You will learn what are the benefits of breadcrumbs navigation, how to set up global templates for single and archive pages, how to add breadcrumbs widget to your templates, and how to customize the appearance and text of your breadcrumbs. Check it out and make your site more organized and structured!

2023 Elementor security mode issue.

嗨,各位同學,大家好!我是微課堂的 Jay Hsu。今天,我們要討論一個常見的問題,那就是 Elementor 安全模式問題。有時候,當您使用 Elementor 編輯器時,您可能會遇到它跑進安全模式,而且您無法正常操作。在這個影片中,我將向您展示如何快速解決這個問題,讓您的工作順利進行。不要懷疑人生或困在問號中,讓我們一起解決這個問題!

2023 WWD Course

Hello, everyone! I’m Jay Hsu from Microclassroom. Today, we’re going to tackle a common issue, the Elementor Safe Mode problem. Sometimes, when you’re using the Elementor editor, it may go into Safe Mode, and you’re unable to operate normally. In this video, I’ll show you how to quickly resolve this problem and get your work back on track. Don’t doubt yourself or get stuck in the unknown; let’s solve this issue together!

WordPress and Docker: Creating a Professional Website Journey

大家好,歡迎來到微課堂!我是 Jay Hsu,今天我們將為您呈現一個令人興奮的課程介紹。我們的課程將帶您踏上 WordPress 和 Docker 的旅程,打造專業級網站。我們將深入探討課程大綱,包括如何使用 WordPress,Docker,以及它們如何協同工作。無論您是新手還是有經驗的用戶,我們都有內容適合您。讓我們一起探索並啟動您的網站建設之旅!

2023 WWD

Hello everyone, welcome to Microclassroom! I’m Jay Hsu, and today, we have an exciting course introduction to share with you. Our course will take you on a journey through WordPress and Docker, enabling you to build professional-level websites. We’ll dive into the course outline, including how to use WordPress, Docker, and how they work together. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, we have content tailored to you. Let’s explore together and kickstart your website building journey!