How to use a mini app to restore the Mac launchpad to factory order

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How to use a mini app to restore the Mac launchpad to factory order

Do you feel that your Mac launchpad is too messy? Do you want to restore it to the factory order? Do you not know how to do that? In this video, I will teach you how to use a mini app to achieve this function. You only need to copy a command, and then use Automator to make it into an application, and you can click it anytime to refresh your launchpad. This mini app is not only easy to use, but also can improve your work efficiency. Come and check it out!

如果覺得 Launchbar 底下 App 排序很亂又懶得整理,你可以這樣做



defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock

等待 Launchbar 重整,完成後就會恢復原廠排序

